About Us

About Us

Dynachem USA LLC is a leading provider of Stimulation Chemicals, Drilling Fluids, and Engineering Services. We are established and active in every major shale play. At DynaChem USA LLC, we understand optimizing field development, engineering design, environmental protection, and achieving commercial success require an in-depth understanding and characterization of prospect reservoirs. Our expertise in oilfield chemistry provides us the unique position to create tailored chemistry with a focus on operational efficiency, production, and reservoir protection at the most effective economics.

Safety Groups We Are Enrolled In

DynaChem USA

HSE Message

Dynachem USA stands fully committed to the Health, Safety, and Environmental wellbeing of each of our Customers, Employees, and work place environment. We believe teaching these principles to our teams creates Field leaders that stand apart in making sure every task is planned safely and professional. We also hold the highest level of expectations with a zero tolerance policy for employees and consultants alike. Safety is an integral part in the growth of our business, our customers operation, and the planet we hand down.

Perfect HSE Days
Years having 0-TRIR

Organizations We Support:

100+ Years Of Experience

We as individuals and diligent teams, are dedicated to putting our Customers’ needs First. We hold each of our supply networks and representatives to the same level of standards and commitment to excellence that have made our company and the customers we serve a success.

24/7 Contact Service

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